As of November 2012, I run music webzine A Lonely Ghost Burning.

It's all about short, positive reviews with no genre restrictions. Might be worth a try if you you like your music to feature any or all of the following characteristics;

- Distinctive Vocals

- Palpable Atmosphere

- Believable Emotion

I also write occasionally for the excellent Alternative Magazine Online and keep a far less excellent blog, Cherry Faced Fool.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Adventure Game Reviews Return...Kind of


So, I've just reviewed Snakes of Avalon for the excellent Alternative Magazine Online.

That's where you'll find me sporadically writing about adventure games from now on. Lots of great reviews over there; games, movies, books etc. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't already.



Edit: I have also reviewed;



  1. Hey JD, glad to see you're still around the adventure game scene! (Sort of...) :-D

  2. Hey CaptainD, great to hear from you! As much as I love my music, it's nice to have something different to write about every now and then.

    I've been looking through the AGS Forums again and looks like there's some great projects underway!

    Hope all is well! :)

  3. Ah yes, there are some very tasty projects - look out for Unga needs Mumba soon, it's one I helped with and is a really good adventure game.

  4. Just had a look at the 'In Production' thread for Unga needs Mumba- looks good! Will definitely give it a play when it's finished.

  5. That's your other website?

    1. Hey deal, apologies for the delayed response - I rarely check for comments on here these days.

      No, I'm just an occasional contributor to Alternative Magazine Online. There are quite a few adventure game reviews on there though so would recommend checking it out. 'The Journey Down', 'Puzzlebots' and 'To The Moon' have been reviewed amongst others.

      I've been running a music webzine - - which is very much under threat at the moment due to a lack of interest.

      Cheers for stopping by.
